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T-sky Industrial Co.,Ltd

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halloween window gel sticker tsh61202
halloween window gel sticker tsh61202
Specification: 6x12"
Detail: 1) Made of TPR 2) Can stick to your windows, mirrors, tiles, refrigerators, walls or any non-porous surface 3) They are colorful and easy to remove and reuse 4) If they get dirty, you can wash them and stick them agai...

halloween window jelly sticker tsh61210
halloween window jelly sticker tsh61210
Specification: 6x12"
Detail: 1) Made of TPR 2) Can stick to your windows, mirrors, tiles, refrigerators, walls or any non-porous surface 3) They are colorful and easy to remove and reuse 4) If they get dirty, you can wash them and stick them agai...
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